Can I let you into a little secret?
Marketing isn’t as complicated as you think it is.
I know on the surface it can seem dizzyingly complex; there’s SEO to master, a blog or newsletter to create and maintain, a social media strategy to develop, an email list to grow, advertising opportunities to assess, events to organise and press releases to write.
But these are just all marketing tactics to do one very simple thing…
Show your ideal customer how you make their lives better.
It sounds simple doesn’t it? Well that’s because it is! Let me expand…
Your potential customers don’t care about your business or what you sell.
Sorry to be the killer of many a marketing campaign, but your customers don’t care about the speed of your network, how many awards you’ve won or how long you’ve been in business.
They don’t care about the features of your product or service and they certainly don’t care about your recent hire. No one makes a purchase based on these rational elements; we buy based on feelings and emotions.
But what do your ideal customers care about?
The three things they give a hoot about are, how does your product solve their problem, how does it improve their lives and how does it make them feel.
Let me give you a real-world example.
One of my fave brands is Innocent. I love their quirkiness and silly sense of humour (follow Innocent on Twitter for totally bonkers musings on everything!) I buy Innocent smoothies because not only is it the brand for me (I like to think I’m also a bit quirky and daft), it’s also a quick way of making sure my son gets some fruit and veg into his diet, (problem solved) it stops me stressing about how to trick him into eating carrot or broccoli (improves my life), and makes me think that I’m a good mum (the feel)
If you look closely at Innocent’s packaging or advertising you’ll see that the message of ‘easy goodness’ is carried throughout and they deliver it in a way that’s fun, loveable and very human. I’m sold!
OK, so not everyone can position themselves as Innocent, but every business can apply the human touch. Step away from talking about the functional problem you solve and begin to talk about emotions; the benefit of buying your service and the value it will bring into your customer’s lives.
Wanna see some examples?
I’ve been working with some clients who sell professional services – not always an easy sell – but together we’ve created messaging that clearly communicates their customer’s problem and the big life benefit they get when they buy from my client.
Client 1: Cleaning agency
Core marketing message: We take the headache out of caring for your home and workplace so you can take care of what’s important to you
Makes customers feel: relieved, less guilty
Customer benefit: I can focus on the family, my work and the things that make me happy and not fret about whether the bathroom is clean.
Client 2: Nutritionist
Core marketing message: We design easy to follow nutrition plans so you can take back control of your health and find your new prime.
Makes customers feel: excited, ready to feel healthy
Customer benefit: I want to feel as good as I did when I was in my 30’s, I just need some structure, accountability and a simple plan to follow.
Client 3: Business coach
Core marketing message: We offer ongoing support so you feel relaxed, reassured and have the confidence to build a thriving business.
Makes customers feel: relaxed, less anxious
Customer benefit: I know I can build a successful business, I just need someone I trust to guide me through the sticky patches.
Now it’s your turn
So, the big question is ‘how can you flip your marketing and bring the human into your messaging?’
The first step is to get to know your human.
Ask your customers why they buy from you and what pain point your product solves?
If you’re feeling a little nervous about receiving direct feedback, start a little smaller. Have a look through your testimonials, thank-you emails and feedback forms. What’s the most common problem your customers experienced before working with you and how did they feel after?
Got it? Good. Use this equation as a starter for ten.
I help X (your clients) do Y (the problem you solve) so they can Z (the big benefit)
(This is my one-liner) I help entrepreneurs get over marketing overwhelm so they can build successful businesses.
Now. Don’t be shy, use this message everywhere – in your social posts, on your website, when you meet potential clients or at networking events.
That is marketing. And it really is simple.
(I know it’s not always easy to find the right message – I struggled too. If you need a hand drop me line )