One of the questions I get asked most is, can I market my biz without social media?


Businesses like ours were making connections and money long before Mr. Zuckerberg came along.

I know some of you out there whose businesses are conducted solely on social media and are doing pretty well on it.

But, when Facebook & IG go down, doesn’t it make you feel a bit like you’ve built your business on shaky ground?

Y’know there are other ways to grow your business…and I’ll share more in a mo.

But they all start with your knowing your niche. 

(I know this word scares the pants off some of you, but don’t fret, niching is a good thing!) 

Fellow entrepreneur, I want to help you see that knowing WHAT you offer, for WHOM and WHY  (aka your niche) is FUNDAMENTAL to marketing your biz on social, off social – any darn which way you want.

You see there is no shortage of online content, there’s a shortage of online connection 

And you and I both share the view that the most impactful, joyful way to build a profitable business is to start conversations and build relationships, yah?

And how can you start conversations, make connections if you don’t know WHOM you’re speaking to and WHAT they care about?

OK, niching rant over. Need alternatives to social media marketing? Read on…

Alternative to social media marketing option 1 

Nurture your networks

Have you heard the saying, your next client is right under your nose? I’m living proof of that, 90% of my clients have come from friends of friends or friends of clients.

Drop an email or DM to your personal network – friends, family, ex-colleagues, past clients or gym buddies. Explain you have an opening for new clients and ask them if they know anyone who may need your help.

Now, don’t be shy. These people love you (or at the very least like you a lot), all they want is for you to do well. Plus, us humans get a kick out of connecting people, it makes us feel good (so you are helping your friends feel good)

The key is to make it easy for them to help you.
Chances are they have no idea what you do, so include your core message ‘ie, you help X (your target market) with Y (the problem)  by doing/teaching Z (the solution you offer)

And perhaps even add a brief testimonial from one of your previous clients.

This approach works; people love to help people!

Alternative to social media marketing option 2 

Partner Up

Y’know marketing isn’t complicated, it’s just about putting yourself in front of the right people with a message you know they’ll respond to.

Think of it like the kebab stand outside the nightclub at chuck out time. The audience; drunk, hungry clubbers. The message; get your tasty kebabs here!

So where does your audience already hang out, physically and online? What facebook groups do they belong to, who influences them? What events do they attend?

Example, you’re a vegan nutritionist. You know your ideal client is a planet-conscious mum who wants to eat more plant-based food. It’s likely this mum shops at farmers markets and natural health stores, takes yoga classes, is a member of a sustainability or eco-conscious online group. 

Try it, make a list of all the places and influencers connected with your ideal client, and then reach out to these businesses/people.

(If you’re not sure, ask Facebook. Create a post that says, ‘I’m trying to find these people, whereabouts do they hang out?’)

Explain who you are and how you help your audience. Offer them a free sample of your service or product so they can become your ambassadors.

Build a relationship with them, discuss how you can partner with them, create a special offer for their audience and share their social media posts.

This is a beautiful way to join forces with like-minded business owners and serve your clients at the same time.

It’s win win.


If this non-social media approach to growing a business sounds good, but you know you’re missing the fundamentals, like who you want to work with and how how to explain what you do, then I invite you to book a niche call with me. It’ll be totally enlightening, I promise!