It’s a question that makes people look like this ????

But, let me confess right off the bat, I am a bit obsessed with niching.

And not because it makes me laugh when you Yanks pronounce it wrong (it’s pronounced neesh btw – ask the french!)  but because it’s bloody crucial in turning spammy shouty content into useful, helpful marketing that makes the world a little better.

And, as you know useful, helpful marketing is my jam (and my bread and butter)

So I’m obsessed with niching, but are you?
Perhaps not, but I bet you’re obsessed or familiar with the symptoms of being niche-less:⭐Poor engagement on social posts
⭐Stuck creating original or new content
⭐Unsure what to say when asked what you do
⭐Sluggish product sales or lack of clients
⭐Saying yes to everyone (even those who screw you on price)
Y’see, getting clarity on your niche (or niches – yes, you can have more than one!) is fundamental to keeping you happy in your business, plus reward you with all the riches and meaning you desire.

Look. I’m not here to get preachy. 

All the time we hear business and marketing coaches shouting PICK A DAMN NICHE.
But, I know it’s not easy to do, it can make you feel pretty uncomfortable, it feels counterintuitive and NEWSFLASH – you can have some success without ever settling on a niche.
Read this for proof

BUT, and here’s my take on it:
Getting clear on your place in the market, why you’re different, and how you help (aka your niche)

  • makes your marketing easier,
  • makes client attraction easier,
  • makes business easier, and way more joyful.


You already know your niche. 
You started your business to make a difference, right? To fill a gap in the market, create something new, or deliver a service in a way it’s not been delivered before.
You saw a problem that you could solve?

So, chances are that YOU (before you become the business owner you are now) are your niche. 

My niche is me circa 2017.
A fresh out of corporate, new-to-business scaredy-cat who had a huge imposter complex, didn’t know the best way to get clients,  and just wanted someone to hold her hand and guide her to success.

So have a think,

  • Why did you get started in business?
  • What motivated you in the first place?
  • What was missing for you?

Follow these clues and work out how WHAT the problem was and HOW you solve it
(Don’t fret about the WHO yet)

Put them together and you have the beginnings of your core marketing message.

Congrats! ????

Now I reckon you could figure this niche lark out on your own.
There are plenty of resources online to help you  – I’m a big fan of Tad Hargrave’s Niching Spiral site – packed with how-to’s, examples and free guides.But it’s way more fun to do this work with someone else.If you don’t have a business buddy to ask you these pointed Qs, give me a go.I am offering a 121 Uncover Your Niche session for £140

In 90 minutes you’ll have

  • way more clarity on what you actually do
  • several aha’s around who you love to help (and why)
  • bags more confidence to talk to people who feel like an ideal fit
  • a handy dandy niche marketing roadmap to use in the wild

(and if we’re super slick, a niche statement to experiment with)

This is Lynne’s experience of Uncover Your Niche.

Before we met I was feeling fuzzy about my message, how to share it with those I meet and communicate it on my website. Rachael clarified all of that in our call and gave me lots to work with. I appreciated how she framed things and it felt very supportive.
I now feel like I can state more clearly what I do.

If you fancy you can read more about Uncover Your Niche here Or if you’d rather a getting-to-know-you zoom chinwag first, book a slot here